Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment E-learning
(Leading to CSCS Green Card)
Course Description
Each year in the UK, people are killed, injured and suffer work-related illnesses while carrying out their jobs.
So, health and safety is a significant concern. The government, employers and workers all have an essential role to play in reducing deaths and accidents and preventing ill-health at work.
Our course is aimed at people starting out in the construction industry and can be used as part of their induction process or as preparation for the level 1 award in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment. Whilst this course, Level 1 Health & Safety in a Construction environment provides you with a qualification in its own right, it can also form part of your CSCS green card application.
Our course starts with an introduction to the legal aspects of health and safety before covering the basics of risk assessment and safe working practices. It then goes into detail to cover the most common hazards encountered in construction environments from Working at Height and Respiratory Hazards to electrical and chemical hazards.
Target Audience
Our course is aimed at people starting out in the construction industry.
Our course can be used as part of a company induction process. It can also be used to aid in preparation for the level 1 award Health and Safety in a Construction Environment.
Further Progression
For more detailed information on key health and safety issues we offer a wide range of courses including Asbestos Awareness, Manual Handling, Electrical Safety, COSHH, Working at Height, Risk
Assessment and many more.
Our course covers:
Module 1 – Introduction
Module 2 – Hazards, Risks, Assessments and Controls
Module 3 – Slips, Trips, Falls and Working at Height
Module 4 – Manual handling
Module 5 – Plant, Machinery and Noise
Module 6 – Respiratory Risks
Module 7 – Fire, Electricity and Gas Safety
Module 8 – Chemicals and Other Onsite Hazards
Module 9 – Vehicles, PPE and General Safety
Module 10 – Your Pathway to Your CSCS Card
Duration: 120 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).