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Method Statements

Easy-to-Use Method Statements Which Will Satisfy All Major Contractors

A method statement is the process of detailing how a particular process will be carried out safely. These are commonly used to describe how construction/installation works can be carried out safely.

A method statement is a key safety document that takes the information about significant risks from your risk assessment, and combines them with the job specification, to produce a practical and safe working method for the workers to follow on site. It must be concise, easy to read and job/site specific.

We can prepare easy-to-understand method statements on your behalf on consultation with your organisation or we can help to provide you with generic documentation which you can adapt to make it site specific for your work requirements.

Method statements are ideal for:

  • Complex, higher-risk tasks that need more control measures in place
  • Providing site specific information to employees on how to do the task safely
  • Breaking down the task on what should be done and the precautions to be taken
  • Providing main contractors or clients with easy-to-follow information on the tasks you will carry out and demonstrate your competence in doing so

Although not a legal requirement, method statements are a very useful tool to describe the task logically. It includes all the risks identified in the risk assessment and the measures needed to control those risks. They allow jobs to be planned, resourced and managed effectively.


HSCS Scotland Promoting a Healthier Workplace Through Safety

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