Risk Assessments
Easy-to-Use Risk Assessments
The process where hazards are identified and risks are evaluated, with the object of eliminating or reducing the risks to as low as is reasonably practicable. Risk assessment is a legal requirement and an important process in protecting your workers and your business. It allows organisations to focus on the key risks – which have potential to cause harm – within their workplace. Normally, simple measures can be put in place to readily control the risks e.g. ensuring spillages are cleaned up promptly to prevent slips, trips and falls. This means straightforward, cost effective measures to ensure your workforce is protected.
We can work with your organisation to devise risk assessments that are specific to your organisation. If a lot of your work activity is similar from project to project we can supply you with generic paperwork which you can adapt to be made site specific thus saving you money.
Risk assessments are essential for managing health and safety and control of business risk management. Employers have a legal duty to safeguard the health and safety of its employees, carrying out risk assessment identifies potential hazards that require to be controlled so that appropriate control measures can be applied.
We can offer assistance in the following specific risk assessments:
- General risk assessments
- Site specific risk assessments
- Repetitive task assessments
- Fire risk assessments
- Display screen equipment (DSE) assessments
- Workstation assessments
- Noise assessments
- Provision and use of work equipment (PUWER) risk assessments.
- Manual handling risk assessments
- COSHH risk assessments
- Work at height risk assessments
- Office risk assessments
- Workplace transport assessments
- Disability Discrimination Act assessments