Risk Assessments and Method Statements
If You Write Risk Assessments and Method Statements This Course is an Essential Part of the Understanding the Process and Enabling Staff to Prepare Sensible Compliant Paperwork
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 state that you must control the risks in your workplace via risk assessment. It is a legal requirement to carry out risk assessments and if you have five or more employees these must be written. You must identify what might cause harm to people, who is likely to be harmed and decide whether you are taking reasonable steps to prevent that harm.
A method statement is not a legal requirement but is a very useful way of recording the hazards involved in a specific task and communicating the risks and precautions required to all those involved in the work.
Who should attend:
All management, supervisors, foremen and personnel who use or have to prepare risk assessments and method statements.
Topics covered:
Regulations applicable
Types of risk assessment and method statements
How to prepare risk assessments and method statements
Risk assessment:
- Hazard identification
- Identify who is at risk
- Assessing the risks
- Decide on the precautions required
- Record the significant findings
- Review the assessment
Method statement
- Communicating the risks and precautions
- Scope of works
- Key elements to include
No qualifications required.
Course Duration:
2 hours
Certification Provided.