CDM Consultants – Assistance to Principal Designers (former CDM coordinator services)
CDM Consultants – Assistance to Principal Designers and Building Contractors for Notifiable Projects
Since the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) were first introduced in 1995 we have provided CDM Consultancy services, formerly as a CDM Coordinator, acting on behalf of clients, contractors and designers on hundreds of projects ranging from £7000 to £20 million. Latterly, with the change in the CDM Regulations 2015 we provide assistance to principal designers and clients to ensure they comply with the regulations.
CDM consultancy is provided as an independent consultant or as an integral part of any design team providing valuable support, impartial advice and assistance to the principal or lead designer, designers, project managers, principal contractors and clients. By working closely with our clients we provide bespoke packages to meet the individual needs of your business or project and ensure full legal compliance and best practice throughout the project.
We are highly experienced CDM Consultants and have worked on numerous projects in the retail, civil engineering, commercial, hospitality and refurbishment industries. If you need our assistance then please contact us via phone or email. If you can supply us with a brief outline of the project and as much detail as possible we will send you a free quote outlining our fees immediately. We provide a fast, reliable service providing you with excellent value for money. HSCS (Scotland) Ltd – a name you can rely on.
Some of the services we can provide:
- Ongoing advice
- Full support throughout the project
- Site specific documentation
- Cost effective compliance
- Design risk assessment
- Construction phase Plans (CPP)
- Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)
- Health and Safety files
- Coordination & Health and safety meetings
- Site audits and inspections
- On-site training