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First Aid at Work Requalification (2 day) Training

Are You a First Aider and Need to Renew Your Valid First Aid Certificate? This Two Day Requalification Course Can Help

Our two-day re-qualification course includes revision of all subjects covered in the full course. Our course enables your employees to renew their certificate prior to expiry. Successful candidates are awarded an Approved ‘First Aid At Work’ certificate which is valid for a further three years.

Who should attend:
All personnel and management that require requalification training in first aid.

Topics covered:
• Understanding the role of the first-aider including reference to:
• The importance of preventing cross-infection
• The need for recording incidents and actions
• Use of available equipment
• Assessing the situation and circumstances in order to act safely, promptly and effectively in an emergency
• Administering first aid to a casualty who is unconscious (including seizure)
• Administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• Administering first aid to a casualty who is choking
• Administering first aid to a casualty who is wounded and bleeding
• Administering first aid to a casualty who is suffering from shock
• Providing appropriate first aid for minor injuries
• Administering First Aid to a casualty with:
• Injuries to bones, muscles and joints, including suspected spinal injuries
• Chest injuries
• Burns and scalds
• Eye injuries
• Sudden poisoning
• Anaphylactic shock
• Recognising the presence of major illness and providing appropriate First Aid (including heart attack, stroke, epilepsy, asthma, diabetes)

Certification Provided.

HSCS Scotland Promoting a Healthier Workplace Through Safety

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