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Fire Safety Awareness Training

Enhance your knowledge and understanding of fire safety and meet your legal obligations.

Our course is designed for all employees who require basic fire safety training. It will also assist employers to fulfil their legal duties under the Fire (Scotland) Act and the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006. This course will identify potential fire hazards, simple control measures to implement, legislation applicable, fire extinguishers, record keeping and how to respond to an emergency.

Who should attend:
All employees and owners of businesses.

Topics covered:
• Responsible persons for fire safety
• Legislation and regulations
• Principles of combustion
• Principles of fire spread
• Identifying potential fire hazards
• Identification and selection of fire extinguishers
• Fire safety signage
• Emergency lighting
• Exit routes
• Actions to be taken in the event of fire
• How to raise the alarm
• How to respond to a fire alarm
• Practical prevention techniques

Course Duration: 3-4 hours. Certification Provided.

HSCS Scotland Promoting a Healthier Workplace Through Safety

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