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NVQ Unit – Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms

Course Description
Our course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms. It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked as completed by your assessor can then be downloaded and used as part of your work portfolio.

This unit covers 5 areas:
Module 1: Interpreting work and resource information – and complying with legislation and official guidance
Module 2: Fixed Scaffolding – Considerations Before Assembly
Module 3: Fixed Scaffolding – Assembly and Dismantling
Module 4: Scaffold Towers and Mobile Elevating Work Platforms
Module 5: Safe Working Practices, How To Select The Right Resources And Minimise The Risk Of Injuries.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Identify key legislation and official guidance.
• Recognise the issues surrounding Fixed Scaffolding, such as considerations before, during and after assembly and dismantling.
• Identify issues and practices involved with Scaffold Towers and Mobile Elevating Work Platforms
• Define Safe Working Practices and understand how to select the right resources and minimise the risks involved.

Target Audience
As this course can be used as part of several Level 2 NVQ courses it is aimed at anyone taking one of those courses.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost-effective, so candidates can progress through the modules at their own pace, in their own time, making it easy to fit the training around their work and personal life. Completing the knowledge components of your NVQ unit online will mean you’ll spend less time in a classroom and can spend more time on site completing the practical elements of your NVQ studies.

Further Progression
The other Level 2 NVQ units we offer all work well alongside this course. There are also several other Health and Safety courses that will provide more detail on some of the specific hazards that might be encountered on construction sites. These include, Asbestos Awareness, COSHH and Abrasive Wheels.

Our course covers:
Module 1 – Complying With Information and Legislation
Module 2 – Fixed Scaffolding
Module 3 – Fixed scaffolding – assembly and dismantling
Module 4 – Mobile access towers and MEWPs
Module 5 – Safe Working Practices
Module 6 – Final Exam

Duration: 70 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

HSCS Scotland Promoting a Healthier Workplace Through Safety

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